Nithya Shanti | Public Figure | Facilitator | Ex-Monk

Lucid Living

A Guide to Freedom and Joy


This is an ever growing and evolving repository of

teachings, meditations, inspirations and recommended resources from Nithya Shanti.

You will also find information on upcoming events and ways to get

involved with a vibrant community committed to conscious living.

This is the primary place Nithya Shanti shares teachings, guidance and updates.

While it may appear to be just another website on the internet,

this is actually a high intensity vibration field of

infinite blessings, infinite possibilities and infinite portals

that accelerate awakening and embodiment.

It is okay if none of this makes any sense and even seems strange.

The reality of these words will make themselves self evident before long.

May your reason for being be fulfilled.

May you remember that main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

You have always been supported and guided.

This is one of the many, many ways in which this is happening.

A very warm welcome!

Lucid Living

A Guide to Freedom and Joy
